Monday 3 May 2010

Draft Magazine Front Cover

Draft Magazine Front cover
This was only the draft magazine front cover, but before even reaching this stage my group and I had to combine initial ideas onto rough pieces of paper then select the best or more appropriate ideas to create a first draft.
Sally, a more artistic, creative member of my group done the drawings for this it features

–A masthead “B4 Release” which incorporates two different fonts, we as a group agreed on this as it looks attractive to the eye also the sound of the masthead sounded catchy and thought potential viewers would be intrigued by this.

-Under the Masthead we have included a tag line which reads, “Romaine Asha tells us he’s story…

- The main focus of the front page is the central image of our main character Romaine we done this as we wanted it to be the first thing that catches your eye. The image has writing over it which is the title of our film this again was placed in the centre to be immediately seen.

-Other things featured on the magazine front cover include buzz words “free” and To the right hand side of there is information on new releases and behind the scenes information.

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