Monday 10 May 2010

Sunday 9 May 2010

Se7en (Opening Credits)

Se7en (Opening Credits)

Final Magazine Front Cover

Inspirational Magazine front covers

Magazine Front Covers Research

Magazine Front Covers
What do they generally include??

Whilst investigating various existing magazine front covers I have come to find that the majority of successful magazine fronts include some, if not all of the following:
• Stick to one main colour theme.
• Title/Masthead must be obviously visible and striking to readers.
• The price generally included along with issue date and web address.
• Focal image with some other images surrounding.
• Some Clear information on the content of the magazine.

Monday 3 May 2010

Draft Magazine Front Cover

Draft Magazine Front cover
This was only the draft magazine front cover, but before even reaching this stage my group and I had to combine initial ideas onto rough pieces of paper then select the best or more appropriate ideas to create a first draft.
Sally, a more artistic, creative member of my group done the drawings for this it features

–A masthead “B4 Release” which incorporates two different fonts, we as a group agreed on this as it looks attractive to the eye also the sound of the masthead sounded catchy and thought potential viewers would be intrigued by this.

-Under the Masthead we have included a tag line which reads, “Romaine Asha tells us he’s story…

- The main focus of the front page is the central image of our main character Romaine we done this as we wanted it to be the first thing that catches your eye. The image has writing over it which is the title of our film this again was placed in the centre to be immediately seen.

-Other things featured on the magazine front cover include buzz words “free” and To the right hand side of there is information on new releases and behind the scenes information.

Final Shooting Plan


This is the most important step in anything and especially filming, it is where most of our time and energy was directed into.
(shot Plan)
The shooting plan was an essential piece of planning it involves taking note of; locations, shot days, shot times, what is going to be shot, characters in the scene, and a lot more. Without this it is very easy to make mistakes and you may not realise until to late. Our shooting plan helped us a great deal as we one day nearly forgot a vital prop - the Watch and we were able to check this and then work around it.

Final Story Board

Story board
As you can see above are my groups final storyboard, this is the one we strictly followed while constructing our media product. The story board is a strong representation of the end result; the trailer. I think this is good as it shows we carefully followed plans.
Our Story board has been praised by our teacher as being “very clear”, although you may not be able to see properly if you enlarge the images you can see the amount of detail put into the drawings also you will see the brief description by each picture.

Story Board Draft

Story Board (Draft)
This is the draft version of our story board; these were created during the planning stages to give us and idea of what we were working towards. This was used as visual guideline, helping to make developments and remember key ideas as we progressed in making the trailer.
This is the final idea for our movie poster. It was created using an application called photo shop, this is something I didn’t know how to use initially however after learning on a media trip I have become very good.

Final Movie Poster

Presentation Photo Shop

Inspirational Posters

These are some of the very influential posters we found; they all seem to have a layout similar to that of our own final product. We used them throughout to develop our own ideas, as you will see in our final poster design.

Inspiring Posters

Inspirational Posters

Staus Update

Movie poster
My group and I have been meeting together regularly to develop our movie poster. Looking at other posters we came to notice the first idea for our poster was no good so we have decided to change it. We are currently half way through the new and improved poster.