Tuesday 23 March 2010

Initial Poster Idea

Initial Poster Ideas

This was the initial idea for our poster; we tried to follow the General layout of existing posters, including many of the common features we researched on film posters. This first draft was a team effort whereby everyone had their input into how the poster was developed, e.g. what the theme was, colours used, pictures used, tag lines, fonts, etc.
It may not be clear from this picture however the poster features a background with iconic Landmarks of London (Big Ben, London Eye, The River Thames and Tower Bridge.) are all captured in the poster bringing the London / British theme alive. Both main characters are featured on the poster; A man running and the face of another man looking down on him this is the main focal point of the poster. The release date (01/10/2010) is shown at the bottom of the poster along with the age restriction (18) and the cast crew.
On our poster you may also find the title of the film, “Out Of Time” and the tag line, “Two Men One Countdown”.

Film Posters

Film Posters
What do they generally include??

Whilst investigating various existing posters I have come to find that the majority of effectively, successful posters include some, if not all of the following:
• The poster should be informative and even speculative.
• The image(s) featured on the poster must be eye catching and attractive with as much significance to the film as possible.
• The Title of the film should be clear and easy to read, usually in a bold text that stands out.
• The Cast and Production team are usually included in fine print somewhere on the poster.
• The release date, names of big Actors, Producers, and Directors should be on the poster.