Monday 6 July 2009

Evaluation and Comparison of ‘2012’ Teaser and Trailer.

Evaluation and Comparison of ‘2012’ Teaser and Trailer.

The ‘2012’ teaser trailer begins with the digetic sound of buzzing then the sudden base sound of a drum being heavily beaten gets introduced. This steady slow base sound creates the initial tension for viewers. At this point we see a distant establishing shot of a mountain like landscape. There is an unidentifiable figure standing in the middle which doesn’t become at all clear or apparent until the rapid zoom of the camera. Following this is a ground shot of someone running this shot is effective as it keeps the persons identity hidden which make the audience curiously interested, at the same time you can hear panting which adds to the audiences tension levels.
As the trailer goes on a slight crescendo effect becomes apparent as various instruments are combined with the sound of the drum and the rhythm starts to sound more up tempo. At one stage the music seems to have so many instruments it begins to sound muddled and confusing this could possibly be reflective of the actual film trying to notify the viewers of the chaotic nature of ‘2012’ movie. From then on there are a few fast cuts and we are shown snippets of a man running into a little hut on the mountains and ringing a bell. There is one medium close shot which shows the emotion on this mans face who appears to be a monk; he looks in absolute shock and a state of panic. At the end of the trailer we hear the digetic sound of rushing water becoming increasingly louder, before the overdramatic bang on ending where ‘2012’ appears on screen. Throughout the sequence of this trailer there are few words or phrases which appear on screen, these are effective as they put the plot in a nut shell for the audience without giving away too much.
In comparison to this is the ‘2012’ full length trailer is a lot more detailed it offers the audience a greater understanding of the film contents. And allows them to see more scenes from the actual movie. It begins with a short montage of mountain images there we hear the digetic noise of thunder and lightning in the background this pathetic fallacy is used to inform the audience of the devastating situations to come. There is then a cut to a news forecast talking about some kind of catastrophe you can hear a fuzzy noise in the background and screaming and shouts in the foreground. We then come to see one of the main action scenes from the film this is effective as it really entices the viewers, who are also potential customers and gives them a taster as to what they would be getting if they watch the film.
Another key difference between the teaser and the actual trailer is that the trailer shows a lot more exciting special effects scenes like fire balls crashing down on earth upturning Lories and enormous buildings crashing down to the floor. I think the two are effective in their own individual ways as they both accomplish what they set out to do. The Teaser trailer offers a brief insight to the film notifying you mainly of the title, the basic plot, and release dates whereas the actual trailer is a lot more depth full showing exact shots from the film and allowing the viewer to get a deeper feel for what it is actually about. It mainly aims to try and convince them to go and watch it.